Building the future at the intersection of innovation, finance, and governance.

As a Senior Analyst with ATREG - the world's leading transaction advisor to the semiconductor industry - I work to understand how the shifting landscape of technology, geopolitics, and capital markets are impacting chip makers from Silicon Valley to the South China Sea.

My career has been dedicated to understanding the forces that are driving the global economy - globalization, digitalization, marketization - and how these forces are adapting to the challenges of a new era.

I am drawn to this type of work because I am passionate about systems and ideas; how do the institutions, incentives, technologies, and networks around us serve to advance the human condition? These are questions that keep driving me forward.

My Journey So Far

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Go Badgers! I feel incredibly privileged to have attended the University of Wisconsin, which instilled in me a deep appreciation of the liberal arts, nurtured my intellectual curiosity, and taught me the importance of cheese as a central part of any diet.

Seriously, though, I took some extremely memorable classes across my three majors - Political Science, Economics, and U.S. History - that stick with me to this day. To highlight just one, U.S. History 1848 to 1877, taught by Professor Stephen Kantrowitz (who's still there!) was a powerful and formative exposure to the forces that shaped America, and one that still shapes how I think about U.S. politics today.

College is, of course, so much more than academics. I'm so grateful for the enduring friendships I made in Madison, the thrilling years our basketball and football teams had competing for championships, and the freedom I had to discover new hobbies and interests.

PitchBook Data, Seattle

There weren't many better places to land fresh out of college than PitchBook. In my early twenties, eager to apply myself, and looking to build a network of colleagues and friends in a new city, I had the good luck of hitching my wagon to one of Seattle's best places to work.

It was energizing being a part of the company's incredible growth story, and I found myself thriving in an environment where I was able to channel my natural creativity and curiosity into new ideas. I collaborated on ideas across departments, won a company award, and mostly just relished the challenge of building new products with great teammates. If you're familiar with the company, I was one of the minds behind Market Maps, Emerging Spaces, and Vertical Snapshots.

More than anything, I appreciate how PitchBook exposed me to so many different types of work. From project management, to people management, to content marketing, my time at PitchBook helped clarify the overlap of my passions and my skills - research, writing, and analysis.

Johns Hopkins SAIS, Washington, D.C

Graduate school had long been a personal aspiration of mine, an outgrowth of my intellectual curiosity. The choice of International Relations spoke to my identity, having grown up bi-racial with an Indian father raised in Singapore.

I made the difficult decision to leave a stable and rewarding position at PitchBook for the unknown; that's not completely true, what I did know is that being around incredible minds at SAIS would up-level my understanding of geopolitics in a world that has grown increasingly chaotic. The year I spent cementing the foundations of American foreign policy, understanding the rise of China, and analyzing how wars are changing, among other topics, has absolutely prepared me to better understand where the world is headed.

The only thing left was how best to apply my renewed education and unique background analyzing evolving technologies in the private markets...

ATREG, Seattle

I wish I could say I had the foresight to target ATREG as a promising destination after graduate school; with it's synthesis of geopolitics, technology, and private market transactions in the semiconductor industry, it was an incredible landing spot given my background. Then again, luck is where preparation meets opportunity.

It's an incredibly exciting time to be joining the chip industry - governments across the world are pushing forward industrial policies around semiconductors, allocating hundreds of billions of dollars collectively in harnessing the power - quite literally - of chips. I have a unique angle on this developing trend, working with my team to understand the evolving needs of major semiconductor companies looking to best position themselves for an uncertain future.

Amidst this landscape, I help the ATREG team harness the full potential of our business development opportunities and to better understand the market that we work in.